Local Care Team
The Queen Anne’s County Local Care Team (LCT) strives to ensure that children and their families receive the necessary supports and resources to live in the community successfully.
The LCT works with parents, guardians and other adults on their children’s behalf. The purpose is to open doors, brainstorm, share knowledge, advocate, and develop strategies to help your child thrive.

Are you a Caregiver or Parent who is dealing with any of the following issues:
- Trouble finding the right resources for your child
- Your child is showing new behaviors that have you feeling confused or not knowing what to do
- Feeling lost in a system that is confusing, unorganized or non-responsive
- Need resources for your child but not sure how to access or pay for them
- Feeling alone like there is no one to help or guide you
Our Local Care Team Will:
- Help children with intensive needs receive assistance with the identification of individual needs and potential resources to meet identified needs.
- Hold discussions with you to problem solve needs and systemic needs.
- Refer children and families to care management entities when appropriate.
- Open doors to make connections to available local and community resources
- Connect to Advocates and Family Navigator
- Utilize the information gathered to improve the entire system
- Discuss a request for a Voluntary Placement Agreement for a child with a development disability or a mental illness under 5-525 of the Family Law Article
- Listen to your concerns or worries
LCT Performance in Numbers
The members of the Local Care Team work hard help Queen Anne’s County Children and their families thrive. There are many stories where a child has been helped greatly and parents felt more supported because of this dynamic and caring group of people. However, the group desires further to ensure success. We track our performance through multiple performance measures on a live Scorecard. To see how we are doing you may do so at this link: http://app.clearimpact.com/Scorecard/Embed/22691
Would you like to request Rainy Day Funds?
The RAINY DAY FUND is a resource to provide opportunities for the participants of public and private agencies and organizations to fund creative needs for individual children. Any public or private agency serving children in Queen Anne's County can apply for funding on behalf of their client through the Queen Anne’s County Local Care Team.
How to request funds:
- An agency or organization representative should fill out the form located below which includes the name of the child, the service provider and their name and address, the amount being requested and a brief description of how the funds will be used. Additional forms can be accessed by going to CommunityPartnerships.info and click on “LCT”
- With this application, a letter from the agency or organization requesting the funds should be attached. That letter should include:
- A breakdown of how the funding will be spent (i.e. line item)
- An explanation of why funding is not available through other means.
- What the intended goal is of the service provided by the funding.
- A description of how it will be determined if that goal was met.
- This request should be presented to the Queen Anne’s County Local Care Team (“LCT”). It can be faxed to: 410-758-6904 or scanned and emailed to: lmichaels@qac.org. You may also fill out the application electronically by going to CommunityPartnerships.info.
- Requests for $750 or lower will be voted on electronically by the members of the LCT and responses will be known relatively quickly. A simple majority of “approve” votes is required for the application to be funded and the funds must be available. Any amount greater than $750 will need to be presented in person before the Local Care Team. The LCT meets the 4th Thursday of every month.
- Items funded should be considered “one-time expenses” or they will not be funded. The only exception to that rule is if there is a clear financial strategy to continue the service once the LCT Rainy Day Funds have been exhausted.
- If approved by the Local Care Team, the request would be processed and the check disbursed to the agency requesting funds within two weeks of the Team's approval.
Would you like to schedule a meeting?
The LCT meets regularly each month on the fourth Wednesday. We can also meet at other times that might be more convenient for you. The meetings are held at the Community Services Kramer building in Centreville.
To schedule a meeting, please fill out the form below:
For more information, please contact:
Lisa Michaels
Phone: (410) 758-6677
Email: qalmb@qac.org
Fax: (410) 758-6904
104 Powell St.
Centreville, MD 21617
QAC Local Care Team Official Community-Based Resource Guide
The Queen Anne’s County Local Care Team’s (LCT) official community-based resource guide is a compilation of resource guides from various children and family serving organizations in the community which include:
- Resource Guide (.pdf)
- https://211md.org/
- A Resource List from Queen Anne’s County Department of Community Services, Division of Housing and Community Services.
A special thank you to Mid Shore Behavioral Health, 211 Maryland and QAC Department of Community Services for their community-based resources.
Partner Organizations
- Parents/Legal Guardians
- Queen Anne’s Co. Public Schools
- Queen Anne’s Co. Department of Health
- Queen Anne’s Co. Developmental Disabilities Administration
- Queen Anne’s Co. Department of Social Services
- Community Mentors
- Court Appointed Special Advocates
- Queen Anne’s Co. LMB
- Mid Shore Mental Health Systems
- Maryland Coalition of Families
- Maryland Choices
- Department of Juvenile Services
- Local Management Board